How to Use Bulk Message Tokens

  1. This process works best if you have two browser windows/tabs open at the same time. One should be on this page for reference and the second should be on the HTML Email tab of the New Message module.
  2. Choose the member profile field you want to include in your email, click once inside the token and then copy (take the First Name for example).
  3. Switch to the other browser window where you are editing the HTML Email and paste the token into your email where you want the member information to appear (again take the First Name for example).
  4. As long as you are sending this email to members in the member directory the token will be dynamically replaced by each recipient's first name as entered in the directory (click here to see our example email being received).

The tokens below only work if you are sending to members in the Member Directory.


The tokens below work when sending to members, club personnel, admin users, marketing contacts or mailing lists.

Recipient Title (e.g. Mr.):
Recipient's First Name:
Recipient's Last Name:
Recipient's Email Address:

Some users have trouble viewing HTML emails and will prefer to view the content in a web page instead. Use the following tokens to automatically generate a link to a web page version of your email-

To automatically insert the text "Having Trouble Viewing this Email? Click Here to View as a Web Page" use this token anywhere in your email:
If you prefer to use your own text and manually add the hyperlink use this token (click here for example):